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I remixed the (unreleased) underground music from Warhead Stroll (game I made for one of the Ludum Dares in 2021).
Lately I'm trying to use midi/mod musics for my games to make them smaller. This is not one of those, but it feels good to go back to it anyway. Skilled tracker veterans could probably even arrange something like that I dunno.
#LMMS #IndieGame


This week on the Super Note project: I had no motivation for anything other than polishing, so I polished the forest music.
I also polished story ideas, like the acoustic-electric war or the abandoned academy.
The Löve2D prototype is going well, but I was distracted by Raylib and now I'm doing the good old prototype-juggling in circles again. So much for "not putting all my eggs in one game-engine-shaped basket". I'm not at the same point with DAWs/music tools, fortunately. #LMMS


je poste ici mes errances électroniques sur #lmms

sentez vous libre d'en faire ce que vous voulez, si un.e autre utilisateurice de ce formidable logiciel le souhaite, je peux fournir les fichiers .mmpz, et je serais ravi d'en troquer.