Galaxyスマホで外付けディスプレイが使いやすくなる? 次期Android 16で「Dex」大進化か | GetNavi web ゲットナビ #Android16 #DEX #SCIENCE #Science&Technology #Technology #サムスン #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー
Galaxyスマホで外付けディスプレイが使いやすくなる? 次期Android 16で「Dex」大進化か | GetNavi web ゲットナビ #Android16 #DEX #SCIENCE #Science&Technology #Technology #サムスン #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー Galaxyスマホで外付けディスプレイが使いやすくなる? 次期Android 16で「Dex」大進化か | GetNavi web ゲットナビ #Android16 #Dex #Science #Science&Technology #Technology #サムスン #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー Galaxyスマホで外付けディスプレイが使いやすくなる? 次期Android 16で「Dex」大進化か | GetNavi web ゲットナビ #Android16 #DEX #Science&Technology #ScienceNews #TechnologyNews #サムスン #テクノロジー #科学 #科学&テクノロジー
Android 16 Beta 3 disponibile: raggiunta la Platform Stability
#Android 16 gets a new feature I demanded for many, many years: Local Network Protection
"This feature (planned for a future Android release) gives people more control over which apps can access devices on their local network. Currently, any app with the INTERNET permission can communicate with devices on your local network. With #LNP, apps will eventually need specific permission to access the local network. For now, LNP is an opt-in feature."
Android 16 Beta 3 brings "platform stability," meaning the stable build will look and function a lot like this build. Among other things it brings accessibility improvements and an updated Quick Settings panel. #Android16 #Android #OSUpdates #Google
Enfin une solution de base dans #Android similaire à #Samsung Dex pour utiliser son téléphone comme un ordinateur quand il est branché à un écran externe ?! Avec les capacités des téléphones haut de gamme, ça aurait dû venir bien avant ca... Hâte de voir l'évolution, à partir de #Android16.
Google I/O 2025: come seguirlo e cosa aspettarsi
On sait que le noyau d'Android n'est autre qu'un fork du noyau principal de Linux.
Mais là, Google va aller un petit peu plus loin... en permettant de faire tourner Debian Linux directement sur son téléphone avec #Android16.
Bref, un petit PC Linux dans sa poche.
One UI 8.0: test su Galaxy S25, Android 16 in arrivo prima
#Aggiornamento #Android #Android16 #Firmware #GalaxyS25 #GalaxyS25Ultra #Leak #Notizie #Novità #OneUI #OneUI8 #Samsung #Smartphone #Software #TechNews #Tecnologia
Samsung starts development of One UI 8, Android 16
Samsung has recently started development of the next version of One UI for the Galaxy S25 series. The first One UI 8 build has been spotted on the testing server for the Galaxy S25 series. According to the latest data, here are the builds:
The development started two months earlier than usual, which suggests that it might get released sooner in the second half of this year. Meanwhile, One UI 7 is still in the beta testing stage with the official release date being in April of this year.
The One UI 8 Beta Program will start in the second half of this year according to the rumors, with September being the most likely time period. One UI 8 will be installed out of the box with the next year’s phones, including the Galaxy S26 series.
#Android отримає віджети на екрані блокування. Зміни з'являться в оновленні AOSP після релізу #Android16, запланованого на червень.
#Android16: Diese Smartphones könnten das große Update erhalten. | 0,1 % oder doch schon mehr? via @t3n
Google: widget su lock screen in arrivo con Android 16 QPR1
#Aggiornamento #Android #Android16 #Google #LockScreen #Notizie #Novità #QPR1 #SchermataDiBlocco #Smartphone #Software #TechNews #Tecnologia #Widget
Android 16 is coming earlier in the year than any recent version of the software, and Google has confirmed it's on track to hit its June release date.
#google #android #android16
Live Updates is a new class of notifications on Android 16 for ongoing activities like rideshare pickups, food delivery alerts, and navigation. Live notifications appear prominently on the AOD and lock screen.
#google #android #android16 #notifications
One UI 8: Samsung accelera dopo i tentennamenti di One UI 7
#AI #Android #Android16 #GalaxyAI #GalaxyS25 #GeminiAI #IntelligenzaArtificiale #Leak #Notizie #Novità #OneUI8 #Rumors #Samsung #Smartphone #Software #TechNews #Tecnologia
Android 16 Beta 2 brings new camera APIs including hybrid auto-exposure (letting you adjust some settings manually), finer controls over color temperature and tint adjustments, UltraHDR image enhancements, and the ability to select when a motion photo is captured. #Google #Android16 #Android16Beta2
Google is working to make Android a viable desktop operating system, which means improving how Android handles physical keyboards. Along those lines, Google plans to let you remap keyboard shortcuts in Android 16.
#google #android #android16 #keyboard
Android 16 will be a substantial update. However, we don't know everything that's on its way yet, and Google still has time to add some long-awaited features. Here are 6 features that deserve consideration.
#google #android #android16 #update #features