If santa was a wizard! I think he might already be one though?
@pixel_dailies (PD #102)
#pixelart #pixel_dailies
If santa was a wizard! I think he might already be one though?
@pixel_dailies (PD #102)
#pixelart #pixel_dailies
The feather hangs on the budgie's beak. He tried to get rid of the nervous thing, but he can't do it at first. If you look closely, it looks like that he is disguised as Santa Claus. All that's missing is the Santa hat.
#YouTube #Shorts #video: https://youtube.com/shorts/au4o0vNxgbE
3 photos de moi pour noël
Au bout de 5 jours de fièvre, mal de tête, agueusie et anosmie, je retrouve assez d'énergie pour vous montrer mon nouveau look de noël parce que là, on est pile à un mois de la fameuse date
1/2 parce que j'ai des bêtises à dire.