Galdr Workshop
Come and experience wondrous magic in the wild nature of Western Jutland!
Where do find yourself presently in life? What do you wish to summon and transform? To focus on and empower? What needs to grow and take shape so you’re ready for the next step on life’s winding path?
Learn about galdr—write a text, create a symbol with the power of words, give it a voice, find your resonance, speak your truth, be heard, and bring your symbol into the material world. Create cosmic change.
Come and awaken the power within. Let’s galdr together and send our intentions out to the four corners of the world. There is great power in being witnessed—in dedicating yourself to a creative process, seeing your dreams come to life, and allowing others to see and hear what you wish for and act upon.
The Nordic (primarily Icelandic) tradition of magical galdr is a deeply creative process that can provide a framework for transformation and change.
Date: May 23-25
Location: Oksbøl, Jutland
Investment: 3400 DKK
All details surrounding the course, are found through the link in bio
Secure your spot by writing to Sara Bøgh on
#nordic #workshop #ritual #shamanic #music #amulet #symbol #nature #singing #community