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C’est clairement deux salles deux ambiances dans les commentaires 😮.

(Concernant les vidéos elles-mêmes, j’aime beaucoup le contenu d’Adrien , mais pour le coup si j’avais dû n’en voir qu’une sur les deux ça aurait été celle de Nick dont les critiques se sont concentrées sur des points qui me parlent plus.)

#MacOS for #china?
I just tested #deepin Linux. I had some contact with Chinese punk bands in the spring. Again, I noticed how progressive they are, especially in their minds. Here in Germany, where everyone believes they are the winners of history, but in reality everything is just brimming with arrogant, reactionary arrogance, many people (and especially those who make decisions and should know better) believe that everyone in China lives in hell. Some things were confirmed by the bands, but the vast majority of Western clichés were met with a pitiful shake of the head. Last year, China installed three times as much renewable energy as the rest of the world combined. And that's just one example. We are a long way behind, also in terms of social coexistence. The Chinese know very well that there is still a lot to do and not everyone agrees. But at least the people I was able to ask believe that things are moving in the right direction and they were certainly not conformists.

So today I tested the “official” Chinese #Linux. It would be nothing for me. Super stylish, super user-friendly, with funny pop-ups. It seemed to me like Linux for children, immediately reminded me of #Apple and macOS, only with a Debian base. If you're interested, there's a “Community” edition to try out for yourself

I'll stick with Red Star OS from North Korea ;)))