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@dick @olmstead

🥳 The good news is that #games can be #compelling even if they are not #entertaining!

(Just like a film! Or a book!)

We've been down this road many times - for many years - and are so pleased that, despite folks who thought it was not possible, games continue to become more #diverse and their communities continue to grow in size and scope.

🏆 Games have special powers which are difficult to reproduce through other media forms. This is just one reason many groups turn to intentionally designed #bespoke games to help make the world a better place for all of us

❤️ We are proud of the designers, developers, writers, and artists worldwide who've created games which have helped countless young people and their communities thrive.

#media #education @edutooters
@communicationscholars @sociology

I rarely see such articles:

"Enough with unicorns and dinosaurs – show children the magic of real, living animals instead" -…

Congrats. We need more of these! And TROMnews is meant to bring such articles to light.

The real world is many times more mindblowing than any movie, book, or story humans have invented. Not to mention it is real. If we want people to care about it, then they have to know about it. Expose children to real wonders, real stories, real life.

The Guardian · Enough with unicorns and dinosaurs – show children the magic of real, living animals insteadPar Isabel Losada

En 2025, je rejoins Latitudes pour encore plus d’éducation au numérique !

Quel début d'année 2025… Je n'ai même pas eu le temps de vous faire un bilan propre de 2024, le petit best-of des articles habituel, etc. J'ai réussi à écrire un message de vœux in extremis, c'est déjà ça. L'année 2024 aura été à tous les égards une année transitoire et effrénée. Avec ma petite famille, nous avons décidé de déménager en Savoie, dans une petite ville de 4 000 habitants. Côté professionnel, j'ai partagé mon temps entre un poste salarié et mon […]

Suite du fil

okey, upon your feedback, if you were me ... in a Tech. High-School , (teenagers) learning-curve wise , would you choose to start with ?:

#programming | #school #education

Is anyone surprised that teacher vacancies in England are at a record high?

Teachers have been under-paid & over-worked, are treated by the press as enemies of a mythical idea of 'common-sense eduction', have been exposed (post-Covid) to worsening student behaviour in schools, and have working lives that allow little space for resetting or time away from work.

We have abused them & strangely fewer people want to become teachers, even as more leave.

#education #schools

The Guardian · Teacher vacancy rates at record high in England, report findsPar Richard Adams

On the value of the #humanities: "Humanist inquiry of the sort we pursue, with its situated knowledges and its cultural attunements and its fine-grained attentiveness to the shifting complexity of ethical and moral life, can give restorative heft to even the most tarnished of these ideals. You might need them." -- Peter Coviello, head of the #English department at Univesity of Illinois Chicago Circle


A quotation from Montaigne

We readily inquire, “Does he know Greek or Latin?” “Can he write poetry and prose?” But what matters most is what we put last: “Has he become better and wiser?” We ought to find out not who understands most but who understands best. We work merely to fill the memory, leaving the understanding and the sense of right and wrong empty.
[Nous enquerons volontiers, Sçait-il du Grec ou du Latin ? escrit-il en vers ou en prose ? mais, s’il est devenu meilleur ou plus advisé, c’estoit le principal, & c’est ce qui demeure derriere. Il falloit s’enquerir qui est mieux sçavant, non qui est plus sçavant. Nous ne travaillons qu’à remplir la memoire, & laissons l’entendement & la conscience vuide.]

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) French essayist
Essay (yyyy), “Of Pedantry[Du pedantisme] (1572-1578), Essays, Book 1, ch. 24 (1.24) (1595) [tr. Screech (1987), ch. 25]

Sourcing, notes, alternate translations:…


"But those new rules were reversed in January after nearly two dozen states sued the Biden administration to block separate parts of the measure aimed at protecting LGBTQ students from discrimination. In January, a federal judge struck down the changes, which tossed out the expanded protections for pregnant and parenting students, too."

NBC News · Pregnant and parenting students face loss of new Title IX protectionsPar Bracey Harris