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Out of curiosity, what’s is better about it than YouTube?

Vanilla YouTube is obvious, but I’ve got ublock origin , sponsor block and that thing that renames stuff to non click bait.

It all just works and I don’t get adds and I keep all my sub’s and still get useful suggestions.

On android i just use revanced.

So, what’s the pull of downloading a 3rd party for Linux / PC?

For me it’s not just about ads, it’s also about surveillance. With FreeTube you can have subscriptions without needing a linked YouTube account, and all the subscription/watch history data is stored locally. So, it’s a good opt-out of Google/YouTube surveillance. And you can import/export subscriptions if you need to transfer to another device. I happen to use FreeTube for this because it is frequently updated and I like the setup, but other options exist - I’m not really promoting this option over other options, just raising some awareness about it.


@Flatworm7591 @y0kai all from above plus you have a full view of your subscriptions in chronological order and you can organize your subs how you want (per subject for exemple)