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Like other organizations, Framasoft announced today its departure from Twitter/X. ⤵️

We registered there more than 16 years ago and there is no doubt that this platform has played a big role in spreading our actions to the general public. (in French 🇫🇷)

Framablog · Le réseau Framasoft en info continue !
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We have nevertheless always remained critical of the model of this social media with its well-known and documented impacts on society, notably those described in the attached column published by @RAPasso of which we are signatories. (in French 🥖)

MediapartLes contenus haineux et négatifs sont rentables pour les médias sociaux publicitairesPar Résistance Agression Pub

We have thus worked very early to explore, promote and propose to the public alternatives to proprietary social media, with our Mastodon instance named Framapiaf. (in French 🗼)

Framablog · Plus de CHATONS, plus de confiance en Mastodon
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Today, as the main actors of surveillance capitalism show their new face, it is more necessary than ever to continue to put our efforts into the possibility of a free, open and decentralized internet. (yes, finally an article not in French ! 🎉)

Framablog · Framasoft 2022 : a casserole cooked up thanks to you, thanks to your donations
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For us, this involves the areas of work that we have defined for several years: proposing and promoting liberating tools, to equip groups that seek to align their uses and values. (our website is available in a lot a languages, thanks to everyone who translated it !)

framasoft.orgFramasoftFramasoft is a not-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!

We therefore believe that the functioning of the Twitter/X platform no longer allows us to communicate about our actions in accordance with our own values, and we therefore join the call of the @HelloQuitteX collective to leave it, by suspending our activity there.

Where to find us next?

On other social media: notably Mastodon (hello!) and Bluesky for micro-blogging, but the full list and links are available on


To follow our news, you can also follow the Framablog RSS feed, or subscribe to our newsletter: (still French-only though).

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