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help people, I'm fiddling with adding different bits to my site and I am clearly missing something with the h-feed thing. If you're bored later I would appreciate it if you took a look.

@sanderium thanks, that one looks like it does h-card, h-entry, ..., but not h-feed. I'm clearly missing a little something. I'll have to ask on the chat.

@bbbhltz no problem. And I would not know either becuase this is the first time I hear of it and I do not know what it is for exactly. :drool:

@bbbhltz were you able to get this figured out? I just checked your h-feed and it looks ok to me but it could also be a client error

@benji I did! And I think I sorted webmentions using pushl. Don't know if my bookmarks or likes work yet though.