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@bbbhltz ooh that's interesting why don't you use blog posts from here instead of those news articles ;)

@joel I could if the post were on topic and easily organized into a Problem-Cause-Consequences-Solution presentation

@sanderium my reviews are quite mediocre

They used to be better because I used to be strict. But being strict is stressful. I once got mad at a group and yelled at them so loud I fissured something. That lead to a 4 years of awful anxiety. I keep things light now.

@bbbhltz well, but you are improving amd that's my point. :) hey since you know python, there is a mastodon api python wrapper. I've tested it my self for auto tooting from Hugo and it works very well.

@bbbhltz A very interesting post with a perspective I never thought about. Quite cool how you simplified a repetitive task to produce a better outcome. I might have to play around with this myself.