est l'un des nombreux serveurs Mastodon indépendants que vous pouvez utiliser pour participer au fédiverse.
Un service Mastodon fourni par l'association d’éducation populaire Framasoft.

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Password-protected videos, video re-upload, storyboards, chapters...

We're proud and happy to present this year's work on v6!

Read and share widely:


@peertube this is an insanely great piece of software and I‘m baffled that it is not a megacorp product.


@haui That is very nice of you!

(And, truth be told, such a project couldn't be a megacorp video... It would benefit from such means but would also be limited by those economic models... But that's too bug a hole for a small side note 😅 )

Anyway, we're very proud of our paid devs (now there are two!) and incredible community.

@peertube I‘m insanely impressed by the advancements peertube has made in the last months. I hope it continues to grow and improve.

Especially the discovery need a little work since good content gets overlooked in my opinion but I‘m already trying to help with that. :)