est l'un des nombreux serveurs Mastodon indépendants que vous pouvez utiliser pour participer au fédiverse.
Un service Mastodon fourni par l'association d’éducation populaire Framasoft.

Administré par :

Statistiques du serveur :

comptes actifs


for has been upgraded to version 0.9.4.

is a free and ethical photo sharing platform, powered by ActivityPub federation.

* Notification service
* Notification card on timeline
* Double-tap to like posts (no animation yet)
* Moderator Mode for timelines
* Emoji reaction bar
* Like and reply to comments
* [and more](

Upgrade with the following command:

$ yunohost app upgrade pixelfed -u

github.compixelfed/pixelfedPhoto Sharing. For Everyone. Contribute to pixelfed/pixelfed development by creating an account on GitHub.