AfroPlug Afrowave Lite VSTI3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]
AfroPlug Afrowave Lite VSTI3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]
AfroPlug Zouk Lab Lite VSTi VSTi3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]
Giulioz RdPiano (SA-synthesis Digital Piano) v0.5 VSTI3 AU STANDALONE Windows MacOS [FREE]
Giulioz RdPiano (SA-synthesis Digital Piano) v0.2 VSTI3 AU STANDALONE Windows MacOS [FREE]
Dore Mark The Experience Fazioli F308 Kontakt SFZ [FREE]
Halo Sounds Danny Smart Music The Lester Grand Piano KONTAKT [FREE]
Dore Mark The Experience Yamaha S6 v1.3 Kontakt SFZ [FREE]
Sound Dust Drift Bad Pianos KONTAKT [FREE]
It is the time of the year when decorated pianos are sprinkled around Atlanta by Pianos For Peace for public use before they are donated to public institutions. It is kind of a scavenger hunt to find them.
You don't know how bad most things are nor precisely how they're bad
Interesting read about piano tuning
Agenten op straat op de trouwdag van prinses Beatrix en Claus van Amsberg, in Amsterdam, Ed van der Elsken, 1966
#Agenten #Amsterdam #EdvanderElsken #PIANOS #fotografie #photography #EdVanDerElsken
Argh... any piano musicians able to suggest an alternative to this music stand for my M-Audio KeyStudio 49, this one ?
I can't find anything that fits the exact holes width-wise...
Here's an example webpage I found this on.
M-Audio says the product is fully discontinued. Aliexpress has no results... and this is such a simple item!
"Il furto onorevole: Come una giovane #donna demolì i cancelli della #conoscenza" su #ScienzaAperta e #PianoS, "scelta etica" contro "truffa".
#OpenAccess universale immediato nel 2020 per tutta le pubblicazioni della #ricerca pubblica?
Il #PianoS di può funzionare solo se si basa su #SoftwareLibero e piattaforme aperte, come dice