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Zur Veranschaulichung teilen wir dieses Mal zwar kein Foto von einem #Webhosting-Paket, sondern von einem etwas größeren.
The caller emailed as the voicemail said she would, and the email is MUCH more sales pitch. "Our monitoring system flagged malware and/or vulnerabilities... this can result in serious risks like... we specialize in identifying and resolving..."
LOL, no.
Any suggestions for non-scammy webhosts, especially not in the US? I currently use self-hosted WordPress for my site, but have considered alternatives.
I just got a phone call purportedly from Bluehost, referring to my URL specifically, saying it looks like there is a malware attack on my site. I have had a couple of unknown site views today. But there is no clear problem with my site, and I am aware that SiteLock and others are shady as hell.
Is this a scam? Is this a good reason to just shut down my old site and find a new host? Is this the kick in the butt I've been waiting for?
My list of digital service providers outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America.
The list is now hosted on Codeberg, an alternative to GitHub or GitLab, but based out of Germany.
#Vpn #Dns #Cdn #WebHosting #Email #PasswordManager #WebSearch #Privacy #Security #Project2025 #Fascism #Nazis
Et voilà après avoir massacré les services de #Gandi, TWS (Total Webhosting) s'attaque à l'offre de #02Switch qui voit son prix "unique" multiplié par 2 !
Vous pouvez revenir au tarif précédent manuellement, ce qui est douteux quand même.
Ca sent la migration massive encore.
J'espère que personne n'avait fait Gandi -> o2switch...
Bon bah je vous laisse j'ai quelques sites à migrer.
(message initial corrigé, merci @p4bl0 )
@SnugglyBun Is there anything in particular you're looking for when you say "indie web-friendly"?
*Any* web hosting service should be able to give you a space into which to upload files to be served, connected to the HTTP/HTTPS end of a hostname/domain name. That's *what they do*.
Many offer *more*, of course. But even when they do you don't need to use that.
The key IMO being to not lock yourself into some service, but to keep your ability to migrate to another.
hey, does anyone know an indie web-friendly hosting platform?
Neocities is the most well known one, but it has been really slow for me when i used it
Nekoweb is way faster, but the owner has been involved in drama both a while back and recently (and i don't have the energy for internet drama considering how draining fediverse meta already is)
NSFN seems to have quite the good offers servicewise but they unfortunately have a very right libertarian stance
there was another one i don't remember the name of that was recommended by fediverse users, but i requires certain advanced hosting knoweldge compared to the more simpler options i told earlier that makes it harder for me to get into.
#webhosting #internet #indieweb