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Moving projects from Meta to Pixelfed:
Bullshit Jobs: A Performance.
In the spirit of care and freedom, Babice dance company performed to the Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, a book by David Graeber, read live by researchers and students from the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology at Uppsala University. This durational performance took place at Uppsala konstmuseum in September 2024.
Amazing contemporary dancer, choreographer and dance teacher Eri Funahashi Geen (@(@erifunah).
She is such a dedicated artist she endured below zero temperatures on the ‘Großer Feldberg’ (Taunus, Hesse, Germany) during this portrait shoot in mid winter just wearing a pullover and still managed to look charming and gorgeous.

#frankfurt #taunus #grosserfeldberg #frankfurtdance #frankfurttanzt #contemporarydance #zeitgenössischertanz #danceartist #dancer #tänzerin #dance #tanz #dancephotography #portrait #porträt #portraitphotography #davidpoertner #davidpoertnerphotography

Something that helped me to process a #divorce and then later to transition into #LongCovid and #disability life is a #dance / #theatre performance I saw in 2016. I mention this because it is streaming on Marquee:

It's about trauma and grief, so use your judgement. But even now i exhale so much tension when I remember that second half, how the giant pillar is still there on stage.

www.marquee.tvBetroffenheitCrystal Pite and Jonathon Young's Olivier winning BETROFFENHEIT is a bold hybrid of theater and dance that explores trauma, grief and addiction.