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We realized recently that even if you don't own a Tesla, many of the connectivity packages available for new vehicles may use Starlink. It's hidden from the consumer, but it's there.

...And even if you cancel YOUR connectivity subscription, the vendor likely continues to collect the "health" of your vehicle.

I could be wrong. Maybe it's not.

Does anyone have the faintest idea of what the strip in this #picture might be? I found it on my #garage floor. The reverse side is sticky-backed so it probably fell off something. The blocks alternate between "Fe 5" (11.45mm wide) and "Fe 10" (22.85mm wide). The blocks stick to a magnet but are not themselves magnetised. My #Subaru has recently had a general service, plus a separate visit where the tyres were rotated and wheels aligned. The strip may be associated with those activities.


I'm a Dad, Doom 64 Speedrunner, and a Linux Systems Engineer focusing on HPC at the University of Virginia. I've been into computers and configuring them since I can remember and I have finally found the job that I love that let's me work with my hobby in a laid back, chill, and interesting environment.

Let's chat about #Linux, #SteamDeck, #Subaru, #Android, #Gaming, and #HPC environments! Glad to meet you and thanks for stopping by!

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@woof thinking a bit ahead, you just wait till this concept is exploited in cars.

Internet of Shite

“A #vulnerability in #Subaru’s #Starlink connected vehicle service provided unrestricted access to the #accounts of customers in the US, Canada, and Japan” — #BillOsolinski

<> YouTubeProfitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.

La collecte des données personnelles par l’industrie automobile
Exemple : Subaru
🔸 Le suivi de localisation étendu de Subaru est une démonstration particulièrement troublante du manque de protection de la vie privée de l'industrie automobile autour de sa collecte croissante de données personnelles sur les conducteurs.
#IA #sécurité #espionnage #donnée #auto #Subaru #industrie #vieprivée #USA #Canada #Japon

Ars Technica · Millions of Subarus could be remotely unlocked, tracked due to security flawsPar WIRED

#Sicherheitslücke im #Starlink Informationssystem von #Subaru mangels "Security by Design" durch IT-Sicherheitsforscher ermittelt - aber glücklicherweise schon innerhalb von 24 Stunden durch den Hersteller geschlossen:
"Das Starlink-Infotainmentsystem, das Subaru in seinen Fahrzeugen einsetzt, verfügte über Fernzugriffsfunktionen"
"In den JavaScript-Dateien fanden sie heraus, dass Mitarbeiterpasswörter ohne Bestätigungstoken zurückgesetzt werden konnten." #cybersecurity

Onlineportal von IT Management · Schwachstelle in Subaru Starlink ermöglichte Fernzugriff auf FahrzeugeEine kritische Schwachstelle im Starlink-System von Subaru gewährte uneingeschränkten Zugriff auf Kundenkonten.