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Last April, I left my Twitter account, but without deleting it, to keep more than 10 years of posts for archiving (tutorials, brushes, threads, etc...). I also wanted to occupy the namespace to avoid seeing an account doing impersonation. Then I uninstalled the app, stopped reading my TL, and put all this in the background...

But when a friend told me yesterday that it was a good thing I had left Tw early, I felt bad that I still had that dormant account.

I deleted it as soon as I got home.😺

@davidrevoy I was about to the same yesterday but kept it for the name. I think it is time for nuking it. I had taken the archive long time back

David Revoy

@raghukamath I took an archive in November 2022, 359MB. For personal archiving, it's really ok.

I should check it, I just did to see if I still had it, and found a meme I did with Noutty (my cat) when he was still a kitten.

I probably need to save only this fun part. I'll grep all jpg in this directory and see what I can find.

@raghukamath The post in the screenshot "I wrote a little review of the Gnome calibrator on G+" 😆 Really, it comes from another era.

@davidrevoy Aah the goold old g+ I remember having fun chat with krita artists community on it. I think @Quiralta was on it too.

As for the social networking I am fossil from the orkut days :)

@davidrevoy you shared your screenshot of deactivation. here is mine :)