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Last April, I left my Twitter account, but without deleting it, to keep more than 10 years of posts for archiving (tutorials, brushes, threads, etc...). I also wanted to occupy the namespace to avoid seeing an account doing impersonation. Then I uninstalled the app, stopped reading my TL, and put all this in the background...

But when a friend told me yesterday that it was a good thing I had left Tw early, I felt bad that I still had that dormant account.

I deleted it as soon as I got home.😺

@davidrevoy so how about the username that isn't protected anymore?

David Revoy

@raspbeguy I'll see. I'll probably should repost this toot on my blog so it is easier to refer in case someone pretends to be me on X.

(je porterai plainte contre X! 🥁 Tss! 🤣 )