Last April, I left my Twitter account, but without deleting it, to keep more than 10 years of posts for archiving (tutorials, brushes, threads, etc...). I also wanted to occupy the namespace to avoid seeing an account doing impersonation. Then I uninstalled the app, stopped reading my TL, and put all this in the background...
But when a friend told me yesterday that it was a good thing I had left Tw early, I felt bad that I still had that dormant account.
I deleted it as soon as I got home.
@davidrevoy I was considering doing this to my reddit account.
I feel at home on Lemmy now and leaving lots of content I contributed there doesn't hurt the platform.
@eskuero Good reminder about Reddit.
Take your time with your account, only do the deletion if you feel you'll have no regrets about it. And not because of pressure of a group. Just for personal cleaning, as cleaning desk, a disk, etc...
I still have mine. But it is also in quarantine for a very long time.
And bang, summer cleaning continues! I remember being proud of the 1.6K karma thing at one point. I'm so easy to buy with gamification and points like that.
@davidrevoy @eskuero As long as the danmei novel subreddit is so full of good reccs I'll keep it no matter what lol. That's such a fun sub. :D
I didn't delete tw either and won't, lots of fandom stuff and fanart stuff still only there. I just use mastodon in addition to it XD Works fine , and I have everything :)
@UkeBLCatboy @eskuero That's a very good strategy and very valid if you find personal balance in it and happiness.
Something that really helped me here; I found a group of Japanese digital painter I liked on Tw (and were a strong reason why I kept my TL too) doing cross post on the Fedi via instance. I don't understand their toots, but I like watching their fresh art.
All in all, I hope my toots about deletion are not read as if I put pressure on adopting any type of behavior.
@davidrevoy @eskuero Oh I get you. It's so buggy, once *EVERYONE* is of X, I will def jump too. But for now, all the anime conventions are only there, 99% of the cosplayers, artists, etc too.
Mastodon is *definitely* becoming more livelier, and I actually spend more time here now, but fact is that 95% of planet Earth is still there. XD
(And also not on threads/bluesky. Which are of course basically the same thing as here - same protocol/compatible and also federated)...
@UkeBLCatboy @davidrevoy @eskuero Just a small correction, but threads/bluesky are conceptually quite different from here (especially threads, considering it's from Meta). About the protocol, Bluesky uses another one and threads just has planned support for ActivityPub (the one mastodon uses). But more importantly, they are for profit organizations.
Edit: I'm curious now about these Japanese digital painters hehe Can you share which profiles you follow, David? :)
@brianch @davidrevoy @eskuero Yeah, I mean they work the same way for the end user. Federates, decentralized, etc.
So for 99% of people - the people we were talking about - "same" XD
Including me tbh. As I said, I just go where fandom is and people are. Which now is also here, and I like it, so yet another account it is.
But especially once threads and mastodon are integrated (which they <WILL> be, since AFAIK EU law will MANDATE interoperability soon, and mastodon GmbH is in EU), to 99% of
@brianch @davidrevoy @eskuero people, it will be the same. Especially since I figure threads,, or whatever 904389043328 instances people make on threads as on mastodon (all using the same protocol as you say so interoperable) will just be another instance to join. People will be able to follow people and see one TL anyway.
So, for 99% of people, it will be "new twitter". Nobody cares how the app works - they follow cosplayer and talk about weeb shit. XD
@brianch @davidrevoy @eskuero if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, and works with other ducks, it's a duck.
I know the minutia - I have a comp sci degree - but I meant that for so to say "normal" people, it will all be the same. Like those Japanese artists they mentioned, 99% certainly. They just gonna... art. And share it with people. On the internet. On literally whatever app(s) everyone ends up using, and without caring.
(same for me tbh. Which is why I am on everything).
@brianch @davidrevoy @eskuero Personally, I am happy with that EU law that will make interoperability mandatory <soon>. less apps/TL's to click/open/go through to talk with everyone, and makes it easier to keep track/organise! :D
List of cool Fedi artists:
@davidrevoy @brianch @ysd @senoaxxnoa @haikeibu @hatoneayumu @cyasha @Qooo003 @eskuero Thank you, will check these out later! :D
Ohh, thanks a lot!! @davidrevoy
@ysd @senoaxxnoa @haikeibu @hatoneayumu @cyasha @Qooo003 @UkeBLCatboy @eskuero