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Un service Mastodon fourni par l'association d’éducation populaire Framasoft.

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The big wave of spams is over? Thank you FediAdmins for doing what you do!

@davidrevoy I just got another one a few mins ago 😭😭 but yea they're not as bad now..

David Revoy

@risavisven 😭 Oh no, someone else reported me a minute ago also a spam. So yes, not totally over... I hope this wave didn't gave the idea to more new spammer to enter the game.

@risavisven ...and I just received a new one too. 😭

[edit: putting the visual behind a CW] 6 in the past 90 mins for me (and i consider myself a small niche single user instance)

@kura @davidrevoy @risavisven 2 in last 2 hours for me, your numbers are me during previous "wave"

@hj @risavisven @kura That's a lot 😱 I probably received 8 in total (2 with the big title in red, with some metalic effect on the text as far as I remember, and 4 photos of spam boxes, and two maybe text only) but all of them were spread over a full week.