A critique of Cara.app: the 'No AI' Instagram and Artstation copycat child.
blog post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1032/a-critique-of-caraapp-the-no-ai-instagram-and-artstation-copycat-child
@davidrevoy Thanks for taking the time to write this. I won't be going for cara as I'm very hesitant to just join a site willy nilly these days. It'll be interesting to see where this place will be in a year, assuming they make it this far.
It's also nice to see someone provide their thoughts on it. Many people are jumping in from what I can see and while I wish them all the best, I haven't seen them talk about it.
I'm just gonna stick to the few places I'm at for the time being
@pineaura I'm envious at your capacity to resist the FOMO effect. I must work on that.
@davidrevoy Honestly I'm too tired to bother hahaha I only have so much energy and other things I feel deserve my limited reserves far more than just checkin out this week's New Thing
But also, there's no shame in seeing what people are excited about so I hope that good things will come to you trying out what cara offers!