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@davidrevoy They seem to have replied to some of your concerns.

We heard your concerns about the rumors, here are our answers:

  • Does Cara make me sign away my copyright?

No. Our Terms of Service grants us permission to host your images, resize, crop, & display them on Cara. Cara doesn’t own nor sell your work.

  • Does Cara train an AI, or give Hive AI user data for training?

The answers are: no and no.

Cara does not train any AI models on its user data. Our terms with Hive ensures they do not train on our users’ data either. We use Hive to detect AI images and keep them off Cara. That’s it.

  • Was Cara founded by an AI supporter?

No, our founder @zemotion has always advocated for artists’ copyright, does not support unethical GenAI practices, and is a lead plaintiff in 2 class action lawsuits against AI companies such as Google, Stability AI, and Midjourney.

She has fought for artists’ rights in court to raise awareness that artists do not give up their copyright when sharing their work online, and she is committed to continue fighting for and advocating for artists rights to be respected both through her own work and with Cara.

To our community who took the time to stand up for us from these claims, thank you. 🙏

cara.appCara (@cara) | Cara - Artist Social & Portfolio PlatformWe heard your concerns about the rumors, here are our answers: - Does Cara make me sign away my copyright? No. Our Terms of Service grants us permission to host your images, resize, crop, & display them on Cara. Cara doesn’t own nor sell your work. - Does Cara train an AI, or give Hive AI user data for training? The answers are: no and no. Cara does not train any AI models on its user data. Our terms with Hive ensures they do not train on our users’ data either. We use Hive to detect AI images and keep them off Cara. That’s it. - Was Cara founded by an AI supporter? No, our founder @zemotion has always advocated for artists’ copyright, does not support unethical GenAI practices, and is a lead plaintiff in 2 class action lawsuits against AI companies such as Google, Stability AI, and Midjourney. She has fought for artists’ rights in court to raise awareness that artists do not give up their copyright when sharing their work online, and she is committed to continue fighting for and advocating for artists rights to be respected both through her own work and with Cara. To our community who took the time to stand up for us from these claims, thank you. 🙏

@Deus Hey, I'm glad they published answers to these questions, but don't put words in my mouth: none of these three points are concerns I had in the first place in my blog post.

Also, I would prefer to get these claims baked by evidences and transparency rather than just believe what their PR service reply (eg. by publishing publicly their terms with Hive).

About property/copyright: check the ToS, point 4.


CaraTerms — Cara - Artist Social & Portfolio Platform

@Deus "The Cara Site and all works of art (“Art”) and/or other user generated content (including without limitation commentary, images, third-party links, and similar content and/or works) (collectively the “Art And Other User Generated Content”), text, data, and other materials contained in the Cara Site are copyrighted unless otherwise noted and are the property of Cara and/or the individual artist who created any individual piece of Art And Other User Generated Content (the “Artist”). " (2/3)

@Deus So they co-own your artworks's copyright when you post. Yes, you still own it, but so do they.

And with that, they can sell it.

That's why I said on my blog post they can sell the network and give the copyright they have to another party who buys the network later. This one can publish book with it, or make a video game, or if they change ToS train AI on it. It's their property.


@davidrevoy Let's appreciate the fact that they have done a good job. And since the Fediverse yaps on about 'protecting' the interests of artists against generative AI, they (at the moment) are also doing a good job on that front too. The Fediverse has also failed in to woo artists and build a community of artists (the level we see in Cara). Need to relook at why that is the case?
David Revoy

@Deus Mmm.. That's mainly because the Fediverse is not an entity. It has no direction, no leader, no budget, no voice. It is a network that emanate from what the users do with it. If artist wanted to make something with it, it would be different. But it looks like most of them don't want to be pro active, they just want yet another company who pampers them and tell them "we are the good guy" but has same systemic issues as other platforms...