I am thrilled and honored to announce that I will be a guest at the Raptus Comic Convention in the beautiful city of Bergen, Norway from the 13th to the 15th of September 2024. I'll be participating in a panel about comics and doing a signing session. So if you're in the area or nearby, come chat with me IRL.
More info: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1041/raptus-comic-convention-in-bergen-norway
@davidrevoy Good luck with your operation. Unfortunately, I won't be close, but I support your work.
@davidrevoy Du er heldig!
@davidrevoy Bravo et merci pour vos oeuvres , votre ouverture , et l'ensemble de votre travail , ainsi que vos contribution au monde libre.
@nunux Merci merci !
@davidrevoy so cool ! J'ai bien envie d'aller en Norvège un jour. Y a des aurores boréales là-bas, hein ?
@yrdael Oui, j'imagine, ça doit être très jolie.
@davidrevoy I'm looking forward to your panel
I'm a little sad that it's been scheduled on Sunday, since I have to travel quite the way to get there, but I guess I'll manage.
@theremin Hey, thank you for traveling for the event!
@davidrevoy I am right outside Bergen the week before. Unfortunetly I don't think I can make it