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An email I received left me speechless. Obviously, they don't respect my creative choices. I will not 'fix' this panel under any circumstances.

@davidrevoy I'm sorry David but ... isn't it libre ? I mean, they can fork's it if they want, isn't it ?

I don't want to give them bad idea, they clearly want to "invisibilise" gay people (or worst !). But still, they could have do it and respect others.

No, they want to impose their religion.

@ache Thank you. :blobcatheart:

Yes, it's libre as in under Creative Commons Attribution. I still have my moral right, and can refuse to have a derivation mentioning my name. Also, all derivations are required to not do as if I endorsed what they did.

That's not much , but legally I have some possibilities if something really bad happens.

@davidrevoy @ache > I still have my moral right, and can refuse to have a derivation mentioning my name.

So such a project would need an accompanying license notice separate from the work itself but bundled?

> Also, all derivations are required to not do as if I endorsed what they did.

Sounds reasonable.
David Revoy

@lispi314 @ache yes, a license notice with what was changed by the author of the derivation.
I tried to make a documentation about the best practice for attribution once,

Pepper&Carrot120_License_best_practices - Documentation - Pepper&Carrot
Plus via David Revoy