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The pushing service added a space at the midpoint between the link. We have corrected it and a miniature typo. Thank you for your attention to detail. :)


"We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of linux, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive."

How long does it need to be published on the servers usually used for updates?


This should block just the buggy kernel. Which might help with unattended upgrades problem or just being forgetful. It might even uninstall the buggy kernel, though I didn't test that. And it shouldn't impact upgrading to 6.1.66 when it's available.

create a file:


with the contents:
# avoid kernel with ext4 bug
# 1057843
Package: linux-image-*
Pin: version 6.1.64-1
Pin-Priority: -1

(the comment isn't required but is helpful for remembering why this file is around in 6 months.)

@debian This is not limited to the 6.1.64 kernel. Vanilla kernels 6.6.3 and 6.6.4 from (which were released around the same time/release cycle as 6.1.64 and 6.1.65) were also severely broken.

@debian My home server had already updated itself, so I just rebooted it and selected the previous kernel at grub. Hopefully this gets ironed out quickly.

@debian My take on the Debian servers I administrate (because there's still no updated package): switch to kernel 6.5 from backports. In short (be careful, sometimes Mastodon hides the scheme of the URL, but we need it here):

apt install apt-transport-https

echo "" >>/etc/apt/sources.list

echo "deb bookworm-backports main contrib non-free non-free-firmware" >>/etc/apt/sources.list

apt update

apt install -t bookworm-backports linux-image-amd64


ftp.debian.orgIndex of /debian
apt install apt-transport-https
This package has not done anything since apt 1.5 (2017), you can skip this part unless running a really antiquated system.


@vv221 @debian Thanks for the hint, I didn't know that. :blobcatthumbsups: I still thought is was needed to handle https sources.