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Un service Mastodon fourni par l'association d’éducation populaire Framasoft.

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Debian is participating in Google Summer of Code! We're seeking candidates who are interested in working on projects and receiving mentorship. Applications are open March 24 - April 8, 2025.

wiki.debian.orgSummerOfCode2025 - Debian Wiki


This symbiotic relationship is a real pain in my neck.
After more than 20 years as a Deb user, I'm starting to look for alternatives. By now, @Fedora is my favourite option.

Thanks, @lorenzo
Time to choose another one. I don't trust Alpha.


@debian I think you who complain about Debian being in GSoC should read the link. It is not about giving something to Google it is about getting people some introduction to software development, and in Debians case, code/software in Debian.