Password-protected videos, video re-upload, storyboards, chapters...
We're proud and happy to present this year's work on #PeerTube v6!
Read and share widely:
We need your help to ensure that #PeerTube (and all the actions of our not-for-profit) won't be funded solely by donations from the French speaking community!
We've got 5 weeks left to raise our 2024 budget: spread the word!
@peertube For some ironic reason, it redirected me to the French page instead of
even though my browser sent 'accept-language: en-UK,en;q=0.5'
That's not normal, at the very least it should display you browser langage...
Thanks, we'll look into it !
@peertube thanks, I soutenired!
That is so gentil, merci a lot !
Looks like the default setting when you don't enter any contact info (or check the "anonymous donation" option).
We left it a that as we don't need (nor want) to log infos on such donations.