@rusty1281 @mmeier @rachel also using #diun here. Have it posting to a matrix instance I used for notifications but thinking it would be nice to create a log somewhere - a simple app/latest-version is all I have in mind
#diun is a single executable to receive notifications when a #docker image is updated on a registry
Unlike #watchover, diun only sends notifications, it does not do updates.
They are a lot of notifications providers: #mqtt #discord #mail #pushover #slack #telegram etc.
RT @crazyws@twitter.com
#Diun 4.20.0 has been released with improvements and bug fixes. Notif wording, Dockerfile parser have been enhanced. Also, you can now choose the kind of status to be notified (new, update). #docker #swarm #kubernetes #registry #golang https://crazymax.dev/diun/changelog/
RT @crazyws@twitter.com
#Diun 4.18.0 has been released with improvements and bug fixes. Next release will allow to customize notification messages. #docker #swarm #kubernetes #registry #golang https://crazymax.dev/diun/changelog/
RT @crazyws@twitter.com
#Diun 4.17.0 has been released and adds a new CLI to be able to manage manifests in the database. I may switch to DRPC or ttrpc in a follow-up and add a prune command. Will see. https://crazymax.dev/diun/changelog/#4170-20210526 #docker #swarm #kubernetes #registry #golang
RT @blackvoidclub@twitter.com
Time for some #docker #patchsunday tasks.
Nothing like being up to date, tnx to #Diun.
: https://twitter.com/blackvoidclub/status/1396497553458442246
RT @crazyws@twitter.com
#Diun 4.16.0 has been released and adds support for the Dockerfile provider to be notified if a tag has been updated/added against various instructions! https://crazymax.dev/diun/providers/dockerfile/ #docker #swarm #kubernetes #registry #golang
RT @crazyws@twitter.com
#Diun 4.11.0 is now available! It adds support for @PushoverApp@twitter.com notifications and dev workflow has been refactored to be platform agnostic (now fully relies on #buildx #bake). #docker #swarm #kubernetes #registry #golang https://crazy-max.github.io/diun/