Had a pretty awful day as mentioned but I did finish work early enough to finally write the daft wee Stargate Atlantis one shot that’s been bugging me for a while.
If anyone fancies a bit of fluff - https://archiveofourown.org/works/62615314
Had a pretty awful day as mentioned but I did finish work early enough to finally write the daft wee Stargate Atlantis one shot that’s been bugging me for a while.
If anyone fancies a bit of fluff - https://archiveofourown.org/works/62615314
I may or may not have just binge watched all of #Stargate. And for therapeutic reasons I'm going to write a short review to let it out of my system a bit.
Stargate (original movie) #Stargate*
I have to say that it was an ambitious project. It has it all: deep history flashback, sepia-toned beginning of 20th century flashback, subtle introduction of the main characters, a love story, flashy action, cool animatronic practical effects along with vfx that stood the test of time, and much more.
I'm not that much into this version of O'Neil character but he has an ark and it's not bad, if somewhat on the nose. Jackson on the other hand has almost no ark, all the changes are in the surrounding situation.
The film is on the slower side of things but I guess they just used to make slower movies back than.
Overall, a solid movie. 7/10
Stargate: SG-1 #StargateSG1 #SG1
I loved it!
I started it in November (allegedly) just to try something because I finished my previous evening show. The first few episodes were OK so I though it would last me through the winter at least. I couldn't have enough of it (allegedly)!
I love the characters. I love the tone of the show. It sort of gives off #StarTrekTNG vibes. It's a lot of exploration and adventure, but not as much ethics and philosophy. Despite there being Big Bads out there hope prevails and in the end our ingenuity saves the day. I loved that they added another nerd character: Carter. Now Jackson can nerd out about languages and history, Carter can geek out about STEM. I also love the changes they made to O'Neill (two "l"s, yes), too. Here he cares about his team over anything else.
There are 10 seasons of it. Most of it is episodic with some loose long plots taking place in the background. This is another aspect in which it's similar to #StarTrekTNG. Obviously characters would change over such a long time but not too much. Last season is as enjoyable as the first even though a lot has changed in universe. 9/10, would watch again.
Stargate: The Ark of Truth, and Stargate: Continuum
I'd include these into SG-1. They're basically double episodes with higher budget. Mostly the same character cast, same script quality, slightly better effects. Enjoyable watch.
Stargate: Atlantis #StargateAtlantis
It's SG-1 but awful in every aspect.
Characters are either annoying or milquetoast, except for doctors. Somehow doctors are good and it only highlights how every other character is not good. One of the main characters is taken from SG-1 where he was introduced as an annoying, arrogant, and condescending episodic counterpart to Carter.
Like in SG-1, the characters don't change much. Just by the virtue of exposure some of them become a bit more developed than caricatures. McKey improves a little bit but believe me, it's a low bar to clear.
Big Bads of the show are either bad xerox of vampires or straight up taken from SG-1. They even managed to make one of the good alien races of SG-1 make total assholes.
There's very little hope in the Pegasus galaxy. Every human group we meet is either completely inconsequential, basically a background, or despicable and will betray everyone at the drop of a hat.
There's next to none exploration. A few episodes about stuff elsewhere in the galaxy and maybe a handful about the titular Atlantis itself. This made one of the most promising inventions of the show, and the base of operation, to have almost no presence.
They also made everyone back home assholes as well. In SG-1 there were groups of people on Earth that would antagonise Stargate Command but overall it was not too bad. Stargate Command (and military in general) were fine (borderline military propaganda "fine"). Here everyone outside of Atlantis were antagonising the Atlantis expedition, including the military.
There are 5 seasons of it. I'd say it's 4 too many. I hated it. 3/10, skip it.
Stargate: Universe #StargateUniverse
This is a very different kind of show. It's much more serious and much darker. In all senses. It's also not as much episodic. There's a continuous plot with some episodes a bit more disjointed from it but still firmly within the continuity.
It also has much more drama in it. I'd described it as Lost but in space. The characters are good, though. There's a lot going one in the confined space of a ship with limited resources, conflicting interests, and so on. It helps that almost all the characters are written well.
One thing they fixed here after Atlantis is that almost every episode has something interesting revealed about the ship. Or at least something interesting happens on the journey. Solid writing here, too.
There's only 2 seasons of it but it's all good from the very first episode. It's different to the rest of Stargate but I loved it anyway. 9/10, would watch again. Actually I did watch it again. Unlike other shows I caught this when it was first aired.
Stargate Origins: Catherine #StargateOrigins
This is a short web series totalling about 1 regular episode worth of content.
It's absolutely silly. But kinda fun. There's not much to say about it otherwise.
It doesn't add much to the lore so you can safely skip it but also it's not offensive like Atlantis. 5/10
* No, this is not about AI, stop hijacking tags
Few more chapters up for my wee Stargate Atlantis project on AO3, for anyone interested!
People who complain about #JavaScript should remember it's good enough language for Replicators.
I absolutely love Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.
I do a rewatch every year!
Again, apologies for being a bit quiet. Still sick. But I have actually managed to write a bit of something and started to post it on AO3 if anyone's interested - https://archiveofourown.org/works/61844959
Just a bit of daft mirror-universe Stargate stuff, but it's been fun to do.
Just a few hours after receiving a clip from #StargateAtlantis I spot Dr Beckett in #Fargo. Damn, I miss #Stargate so much...
20 years ago yesterday, the Lost City of Atlantis was rising above the lantian ocean after more than 10 000 years under water !
#StargateAtlantis @BaronDestructo@twitter.com @bradtravelers@twitter.com @dhewlett@twitter.com @JoeFlanigan@twitter.com
Re-watching Stargate Atlantis many years later, and I still think Teyla Emmagan is the least interesting character.
Where The Hell Is New Stargate? » GateWorld
Simply put: the longer Stargate sits idly on the shelf, the more devalued the brand becomes. Stargate fans are loyal and long-suffering, but they’re also starting to lose hope. So please, Amazon MGM Studios — while we understand the complexities of reviving a dormant franchise (and the industry factors currently in play), don’t let Stargate remain dormant any longer.
This article doesn't offer any smoking guns or hot inside gossip. It just speculates on some reasons that might explain Amazon MGM's lack of anything Stargate related. Just keeping the dream alive.
My wife just sent me this, and it has made the evening better. #StargateAtlantis #StarTrek
@Nifflas And since you only swapped gliphs, it's trivial to reverse-engineer and learn too...
Reminds me of the "Ancient Block Font" from #StargateAtlantis...
My list:
1. #Babylon5
1. #StarTrek #DS9
2. #Farscape
3 #StarTrek (#TNG, #VOY #TOS, #ENT)
4. #DrWho
5. #TheOrville
6. #StarWars (Episode 4,5,6)
7. #StarWars #CloneWars
8. #StargateSG1
9. #StargateAtlantis
yes there are two 1. on the list.
@emaechler Die anderen davon habe ich bisher nicht gesehen. Aber #StarGateAtlantis is dran, sobald ich mit SG-1 durch bin.