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The glTF (.glb) format turns out to be reasonably simple once you've used it, but like many formats it's often a little hard to parse the documentation. So Syoyo's lib has been pretty helpful as there's a simple example of building a glTF from scratch. Images and binary buffer location wasn't covered, so that's taken me a bit to figure out.

I now have working pbr materials, with transparency to come.

New 'full' mesh optimization now available in Avoyd Voxel Editor beta.

The previous optimizer worked on 32^3 volumes as it was derived from a realtime approach. The full optimizer welds each 32^3 section by marking section-edge verts and searching for duplicates, &running a full mesh optimization using vertex collapse similar to Stan Melax's method

Get Avoyd:


You can now buy our Avoyd voxel editor and renderer tool directly from our independent store:

We use Paddle for payments. We've also reworked the page to clarify the differences between the FREE and PAID options. All feedback is welcome

www.enkisoftware.comenkisoftware Products | Buy and Download Avoydenkisoftware Store | Buy and download Avoyd Voxel Editor and Renderer, 3D art and rendering tool for voxel artists, map builders and game developers.