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And you certainly don't want to be represented by someone implying that you and your fellow citizens have become so corrupt and malevolent that you'd rather vote for a criminal who's been indicted for multiple serious felonies than for a person who cares for minorities and think that they should have the same rights as you have. Because, seriously, that is Smith's main argument against so-called #wokeness and why they are responsible for the Democrats' defeat in the last elections.

Totally agree with this. Trump supporters are the true defenders of political correctness, only that this correctness has a very peculiar meaning this time - namely witch-hunting and NeoMcCartysm.

"What we call “wokeness” is a very real phenomenon, and as this magazine has pointed out repeatedly, it is both annoying and genuinely damaging. For the past decade, neoliberal Democrats have been particularly insufferable in wielding it as a weapon to advance pro-corporate politics, whether it’s Hillary Clinton saying that breaking up the big banks wouldn’t end racism and sexism, or MSNBC anchors and politicians like Barack Obama endlessly complaining about Bernie Sanders being a white man who didn’t talk enough about race and gender.

But what we’re seeing take shape in Trump’s second term is not the antidote to that; it’s that exact same cynical strategy, only flipped on its head. While Democrats turned to woke rhetoric to defend corporations and push neoliberal policies that benefit their bottom lines, Trump and his people resort to equally lazy “anti-woke” rhetoric to do the same thing.

In each case, the basic assumption is the same: you are a gullible rube who will fall for this obvious play and promptly forget that they’re working against your interests. Prove them wrong."

jacobin.comTrump Is Ripping Off America and Calling It “Anti-Woke”The Trump team has hit on what it thinks is a winning formula: every time it wants to rip Americans’ health care away or let a predatory corporation off the hook, it just says it’s fighting “wokeness” or “DEI.” It’s lazy, cynical stuff.

Die rechten Evangelikalen bekommen was ihnen für ihre Wählerstimmen versprochen wurde.
Schritt für Schritt werden die Rechte und Freiheiten zurückgedreht und abschafft.
Und die Geschäftemacher machen mit.

" Deutscher Discounter Aldi Süd entfernt Bekenntnis zu Diversität von US-Website "

DER SPIEGEL · Deutscher Discounter: Aldi Süd entfernt Bekenntnis zu Diversität von US-WebsitePar DER SPIEGEL

Confronting Capitalism: The End of Wokeness?

When I first became aware of #woke I thought it was a good thing, especially since a lot of right-wing folks hated it. But over the years it's become more clear what it is all about. Of course, I'm a sad example of knowing much about woke and #wokeness, so you should take anything I say with a grain of salt. But with that caveat, I highly recommend the #podcast episode below. I found it quite enlightening and helpful.

Apple PodcastsConfronting Capitalism: The End of Wokeness?Podcast Episode · Jacobin Radio · 01/29/2025 · 43m

Comedian Bec Shaw is tired of the argument that "wokeness" is ruining comedy because "you can't joke about anything anymore." She writes in her Substack about how often that sentiment is wielded to justify "the most hack, unfunny, mean-spirited, boring jokes that have ever existed." She continues: "People are whining and frothing at the mouth to be able to 'say what they want,' and what they desperately want to say is… the same old jokes we’ve heard over and over for years." Tell us in the comments what you think.

nonsense newsletter · Comedians obsessed with 'wokeness' are the ones ruining comedyPar Bec Shaw

#SteveScalise Knows Exactly What Led to the #BourbonStreet Attack: #DEI Initiatives
#Scalise claimed diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives bore part of the blame for #lawenforcement’s failure to disrupt attack that left 15 people dead and dozens more injured.
“Some of these agencies have gotten so wrapped up in the DEI movement — call it #wokeness, call it whatever you want — where their main focus is on diversity and inclusion as opposed to security,”

The Intercept · Steve Scalise Knows Exactly What Led to the Bourbon Street Attack: DEI InitiativesPar Matthew Sledge
En réponse à Dr. Michael Blume

@BlumeEvolution @ulrich

Ich bin auch der festen Überzeugung, dass Musk einen persönlichen Kreuzzug gegen alles führt, was er oder seine Anhänger als #wokeness empfinden.
Man darf auch nicht vergessen, er selbst hat eine transgeschlechtliche Tochter, die sich von ihm abgewendet hat.
Ich glaube das ist etwas persönliches, dass sein Kind nicht nach seinem Willen funktioniert. Nicht umsonst sagte er "my son was killed by a woke mind virus"
Er will die Realität nicht akzeptieren.

En réponse à Dr. Michael Blume

@BlumeEvolution @ulrich

Trotzdem benutzt Musk es als Kampfbegriff und seine Anhänger bzw. Kumpel tun es ihm gleich. Irgendwo wird ein Film oder Serie mit einer weiblichen Hauptdarstellerin veröffentlicht, vielleicht sogar noch einer Women of colour, sofort wird es als #wokeness Agenda bezeichnet und dagegen agiert. Womöglich taucht da noch irgendeine queere Nebenfigur auf, noch mehr woke oder es wird gleich von der Trans-Lobby geredet, die alle um erziehen will.