Totally agree with this. Trump supporters are the true defenders of political correctness, only that this correctness has a very peculiar meaning this time - namely witch-hunting and NeoMcCartysm.
"What we call “wokeness” is a very real phenomenon, and as this magazine has pointed out repeatedly, it is both annoying and genuinely damaging. For the past decade, neoliberal Democrats have been particularly insufferable in wielding it as a weapon to advance pro-corporate politics, whether it’s Hillary Clinton saying that breaking up the big banks wouldn’t end racism and sexism, or MSNBC anchors and politicians like Barack Obama endlessly complaining about Bernie Sanders being a white man who didn’t talk enough about race and gender.
But what we’re seeing take shape in Trump’s second term is not the antidote to that; it’s that exact same cynical strategy, only flipped on its head. While Democrats turned to woke rhetoric to defend corporations and push neoliberal policies that benefit their bottom lines, Trump and his people resort to equally lazy “anti-woke” rhetoric to do the same thing.
In each case, the basic assumption is the same: you are a gullible rube who will fall for this obvious play and promptly forget that they’re working against your interests. Prove them wrong."