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[FROM THE ARCHIVES] En 2015 j'ai conçu l’environnement sonore électronique de l'opéra Il Re Pastore de W.A. #mozart , Théâtre du Châtelet. Le spectacle alternait pages symphoniques avec séquences vidéos et récits électroniques.
Une "serenata", façon manga SF dont voici un extrait musical.
Mise en scène Olivier Fredj, scéno Nicolas Buffe, direction JC Spinosi.
Design sonore entièrement réalisé avec le synthé Dave Smith #Prophet08
#opera #davesmith #sequentialcircuits YouTubeProfitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.
Suite du fil

The risers used in this #music #track are #tr909 cymbals, reversed. The only samples i used for this track, but technically that is not 100% correct:
First, the cymbals on the 909 are samples. Roland couldnt get realistic cymbal sounds out of analog circuits (808 cymbals, anyone? As an aside, check out so they used samples. The #drumulator & #sequentialcircuits #drumtraks also use eprom based samples, & i use a few custom eproms in them (with ZIF sockets). #jam #jamuary

This weekend, i finished the second full song of my WIP album “Candy Store”. This track is called “Childhood” and features a toy grand piano as a counter balance to a ton of vintage analog(ish) gear from the 1970s and 1980s.

#tape #piano #toypiano #drummachine #music #synth #analog #roland #sequentialcircuits #korg #boss #yamaha #soundcloud #electronica #electronicmusic @synth @music

I just put it up on soundcloud

So I copied the windows vst folder to my linux wine vst3 folder, added the path to yabridge, ran sync and Carla sees the Full Bucket Music Drumtraqs plugin. It complains about it but it works. Other plugins I tried didn't work so far.

A native plugin would be best, but at least it works. I can use the real drumtraks, the windows or Mac plugin, or the windows plugin in linux. I think I got all base covered!
