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This is pure speculation, but I wonder if, as climate change causes breakdowns in infrastructure, combined with companies pumping the internet full of useless and misleading content, if we aren't going to see a rise in web practices that are now seen as bad but do have uses.

For example, I've been told to avoid posting web content as PDFs because they're cumbersome and there's almost always a more user-friendly way to present the information. But if your users have unreliable access to the internet and electricity, PDFs actually can be useful.

Similarly, I've been told never to maintain lists of links—a "link farm"—because they're difficult to keep up to date and users are almost always going to go to search engines for that kind of information. But if the search engine results become full of useless, AI-generated crap, it could be helpful to have pages of links on particular topics that have been vetted and curated by humans.

Just some thoughts!


An analysis of an in-the-wild #iOS #Safari #WebContent to #GPU Process #exploit

“Retroactively sandboxing code which was never designed with compartmentalization in mind is rarely simple to do effectively. In this case the exploit targeted a very basic buffer overflow vulnerability in unused IPC support code for a disabled feature - effectively new attack surface which exists only because of the introduced sandbox.”

googleprojectzero.blogspot.comAn analysis of an in-the-wild iOS Safari WebContent to GPU Process exploitBy Ian Beer A graph representation of the sandbox escape NSExpression payload In April this year Google's Threat Analysis Group, in ...

My #introduction finally!

Hey, my name is Karithina (they/them)!

I'm a goth, a breast cancer survivor, nonbinary, pansexual, and autistic. I have ADHD, two cats, a house full of Halloween decorations all year, and live in Australia.

I'm a web developer, designer and content editor that is super passionate about accessibility and the indie web. I've also been a graphic designer and a digital media generalist, so I'm used to straddling the world between art and tech.

I have a mostly native plant garden but also a collection of vincas and cactuses. I'm a recovering plant murderer.

I make art that's ink, watercolour, pixel-based, or collage mainly.

I like to play video games that are mainly creative, social, chill, puzzle, retro, pixel, biology, and/or roleplay based. My ongoing favourites are Creatures Docking Station, Furcadia and VRChat.

You can find my website at

#goth #nonbinary #pansexual #autistic #adhd #audhd #neurodivergent #queer #breastcancersurvivor #australia #cats #webdev #webdesign #webcontent #graphicdesign #art #tech #accessibility #a11y #i18n #videogames #CSS #HTML
