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* No Upgrades: The Pleasures and Possibilities of Refusal *
Sunday, March 16th starting at 7pm

"Please join us for a low key discussion around the practice, problems and culture around constant "upgrades" and what happens if we refuse. We will also have a general discussion of #Permacomputing things of recent interest."

Via the @ataripodcast: in a 25-minute video, Jean Michel Sellier, Research Assistant Professor at Purdue University, demonstrates the use of an #Atari800XL to train a neural network using a genetic algorithm instead of the memory-hungry technique of gradient descent.

I've had a soft spot for Artificial Life for a long time. During the last AI Winter in the mid 1990s, I was spurred to get back into education and onto a career in commercial software development by Stephen Levy's book "Artificial Life: The Quest for a New Creation". I loved that Artificial Life researchers borrowed well-understood mechanisms from genetics and implemented them in software to converge iteratively on solutions, in contrast to AI research, which was attempting to build models of categories which were not understood at all (and largely still aren't) - intelligence (whatever that is) and perception.

In subsequent years I wondered why I wasn't hearing any hype about Artificial Life; it turns out practitioners have been quietly getting on with solving problems using the technique. Meanwhile, yet again, AI boosters have blustered their way into the consciousness with another round of overcooked hype.

The Stephen Levy book is still worth a read, if you can find it. (IIRC Danny Hillis and the Connection Machine folks get a mention too.)

(I don't know if any of the genetic algorithm folks turned out to be supporters of eugenics, as many of the current crop of AI boosters seem to be.)

Hackaday · Genetic Algorithm Runs On Atari 800 XLFor the last few years or so, the story in the artificial intelligence that was accepted without question was that all of the big names in the field needed more compute, more resources, more energy…

Ehdin mä tänään kävelylläkin käydä, mutta muuten päivä on mennyt #GeminiProtocol lia opiskellessa. Oli aivan pään räjäyttävää tajuta, että on siis toinen internet, sellainen old school, simppeli ja future proof. Kunnon #solarpunk ja #permacomputing meno.

Gemini protocol toimii siis kuten netti, mutta eri protokollalla. Sivut ovat hyvin hyvin simppeleitä. #smallweb on se juttu. Vain tekstiä ja linkkejä. Siis just sellaisia kuin blogin ja kotisivun pitäisi ollakin. Hyvää tekstiä eikä vilkkuvia valoja.

Geminiä voi selata gemini-selaimilla, vrt. netti ja nettiselaimet, mutta kummastakin voi linkata toisiinsa kunhan on linkkiä tukeva selain jolla avata se. Android luurissa voit selata Geminiä asentamalla F-droid appsilla Rosy Crow-selaimen.

Ehdin heti aamutuimaan tehdä nauruversioblogin Geminiin. Olo oli kuin olisi ollut 1999, kun eka html-luomukseni pullahti ftp:llä nettiin.

Pitää vielä vähän tutustua eri hosting-vaihtoehtoihin ennen kuin päätän tahon jolle pysäköin kapselini (nettisivua kutsutaan kapseliksi). Jos mastodonin käyttö ja ohjeet tuntuvat teknisiltä, niin Gemini-ohjeistus ja käyttöliittymä on jo ihan ehtaa nörttisyvääpäätyä.

Täältä voi lukea lisää Geministä. Kirjoittelen asiasta varmaan myöhemmin blogiin jotkut tee-näin-ohjeet joilla voi mahdollisimman yksinkertaisesti perustaa oman Gemini-sivun, eiku kapselin.

Erus Encodia · Creating your own Gemini Server — part 1: What is the Gemini Protocol?Par Simen Mailund

et quoi, tu ne sais plus accéder à ce site de [megacorp025] avec ton navigateur ultra-libre ? 🤷 c'est quoi la cohérence là , osef non ?

au moins ça limite les perditions, ton magasin local est accessible ✨ (html / gemini + taler )

que faut il de plus ???

En réponse à Lúmëcolca

@lumecolca there is a subset of the Internet that likes to keep web pages simple. Whether JavaScript should be used remains a contentious topic, personally I believe anything that won’t run well on a 30-year-old computer is not #permacomputing .

Check out for an example of a place where you can just make whatever static web site you want. They do webrings too.

neocities.orgNeocitiesCreate and surf awesome websites for free.

Fil pour parler du futur de l'informatique. Je parle du futur désirable et durable, pas de la blague actuelle des #llm où même les acteurs du logiciel libre s'y engouffrent ..

On n'a pas besoin de rappeler que matériellement, l'informatique actuelle est désastreuse à tous les niveaux, que ce soit humain et non humain. Plus la finesse de gravure et la puissance demandée augmente, plus l'impacte est élevé. On parle de décroissance, mais peu de personnes ne remettent en cause l'informatisation de la société permise par la montée en puissance phénoménale.

Piaillegomli ( J'ai pas pris le temps d'étudier en détail son usage dans VLC. Il utilise une api fournie par openai ? Ou un moteur locale type whisper qui utilise un dataset fourni par openai comme pour framasoft ? Pour le coup, le dataset utilisé est-il clean ? (donc exempt de neo-esclavagisme du global south via des plateformes type pour effectuer le filtrage et le datalabeling)

TLDR: 🫥 🚲 🎶 🌲
Trop souvent: 🌊⛵🌩️

Perdu au milieu d'un torrent de haine, de politique et de complaisances des problèmes écologiques j'essaie de trouver un peu de calme, de l'humour, quelques notes de musique, des idées et des allié·e·s pour "couler en beauté".

J'aime bien les beaux textes mais j'accorderais toujours plus aux actes (et la loi est n'est pas un beau texte) 😏


Dyne has been backing Free Software for more than a decade...

With a focus on being genuinely open, useful "commons" tools for everybody.

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also this:

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Lightweight unencumbered tools for your ready use.

[[ Now back to making a light for my bikes :) ]]

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My favorite new technology is not new. It's a natural-language game engine for creating text-based interactive stories. (Inform 7)

The latest version was released in 2022. This excellent and completely usable book was published in 2011. The game engine was created in 2006, as a rebuild of a project which was introduced when I was still getting carded for cigarettes (1993).

This is a good and appropriate pace for technology.