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The communication tactics of Trump, his cronies, the GOP and MAGA groups, and the far right in general are simple:
flood the media with information that will take time to analyze and debunk, preventing any factual communication.
And since these extremists have held the press hostage through their economic power, there are few windows open to the TRUTH.


A quotation from John Adams

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

John Adams (1735-1826) American lawyer, Founding Father, statesman, US President (1797-1801)
Speech (1770-12-04), “Argument in Defence of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials”

Sourcing, notes:


It's honestly super fucked up and expressive of how superficial our society that Tom Nook gets all this shit for being "greedy" and "evil", he gives you a 0% interest loan at first sight with no strings attached or time lime

...also, Redd literally scams you. There's a character in the game that straight-up scams you. But nook is the bad guy.

No, player. YOU are the bad guy.

#motto #latin #linguistics #standupforsciences
of #Canada : A Mari Usque Ad Mare
of #Europe : In Varietate Concordia

Together: In Varietate Concordia A Mari Usque Ad Mare
🇨🇦 Harmony in diversity, from one ocean to the other
🇫🇷 Harmonie dans la diversité d'une rive à l'autre des océans

🇩🇪 Harmonie in der Vielfalt, von einem Ozean zum anderen
🇳🇱 Harmonie in verscheidenheid, van de ene oceaan tot de andere

🇵🇱 Harmonia w różnorodności, od jednego oceanu do drugiego
🇨🇿 Harmonie v rozmanitosti, od jednoho oceánu k druhému
🇸🇮 Harmonija v raznolikosti, od enega oceana do drugega

🇪🇸 Armonía en la diversidad, de un océano a otro
🇮🇹 Armonia nella diversità da un oceano all'altro
🇵🇹 Harmonia na diversidade de um oceano a outro
🇷🇴 Armonie în diversitate, de la un ocean la altul

🇬🇷 Αρμονία στη διαφορετικότητα, από τον έναν ωκεανό στον άλλο

🇩🇰 Harmoni i diversitet, fra hav til hav
🇸🇪 Harmoni i mångfald, från ett hav till ett annat
🇫🇮 Rauhan monimuotoisuudessa yhdestä valtamereltä toiseen

🇧🇬 Хармония в многообразието, от един океан до друг
🇺🇦 Гармонія у різноманітності від одного океану до іншого

#peace #unity #diversity

#elbowsup !
#СлаваУкраїні !

#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity #calm #serenity #understanding #communication #facts #values #dialogue #science

#motto #latin #linguistics #standupforsciences
of #Canada : A Mari Usque Ad Mare
of #Europe : In Varietate Concordia

Together: In Varietate Concordia A Mari Usque Ad Mare
🇨🇦 Harmony in diversity, from one ocean to the other
🇫🇷 Harmonie dans la diversité d'une rive à l'autre des océans

🇩🇪 Harmonie in der Vielfalt, von einem Ozean zum anderen
🇳🇱 Harmonie in verscheidenheid, van de ene oceaan tot de andere

🇵🇱 Harmonia w różnorodności, od jednego oceanu do drugiego
🇨🇿 Harmonie v rozmanitosti, od jednoho oceánu k druhému
🇸🇮 Harmonija v raznolikosti, od enega oceana do drugega

🇪🇸 Armonía en la diversidad, de un océano a otro
🇮🇹 Armonia nella diversità da un oceano all'altro
🇵🇹 Harmonia na diversidade de um oceano a outro
🇷🇴 Armonie în diversitate, de la un ocean la altul

🇬🇷 Αρμονία στη διαφορετικότητα, από τον έναν ωκεανό στον άλλο

🇩🇰 Harmoni i diversitet, fra hav til hav
🇸🇪 Harmoni i mångfald, från ett hav till ett annat
🇫🇮 Rauhan monimuotoisuudessa yhdestä valtamereltä toiseen

🇧🇬 Хармония в многообразието, от един океан до друг
🇺🇦 Гармонія у різноманітності від одного океану до іншого

#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity

#elbowsup !
#СлаваУкраїні !

#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity #calm #serenity #understanding #communication #facts #values #dialogue #science

A well-funded Moscow-based global "news" network has infected Western artificial intelligence tools worldwide with Russian propaganda.

From NewsGuard: "An audit found that the 10 leading generative AI tools advanced Moscow’s disinformation goals by repeating false claims from the pro-Kremlin Pravda network 33 percent of the time."

NewsGuard's Reality Check · A well-funded Moscow-based global ‘news’ network has infected Western artificial intelligence tools worldwide with Russian propagandaPar NewsGuard