@juergen_hubert #opposition in necciary like you see in other contries with constitutional crises: #Georgia #Bulgaria #Russia
@juergen_hubert #opposition in necciary like you see in other contries with constitutional crises: #Georgia #Bulgaria #Russia
@MEActNOW @mcr314 the #democrats in the #congress don't really do there homework. They should furrily* #opposition against the #Trump - #Musk administration! They don't have a majority but that doesn't stop them slowing down all progress in the parliament. They should use everything they got to delay these insane bills/appointments etc. Sadly they're just waiting for the sane US citizen to vote democrats in #midterms2026
*is that even a word?
#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #domesticpolicy / #opposition / #ceasefire / #hostages
„Seventeen months after the start of the war in Gaza, the once-powerful centrist and left-wing parties are still unable to come up with an alternative policy to that of the prime minister's coalition.″
What Do Hungarians Think About the World Right Now? https://www.byteseu.com/816778/ #EURelations #Fidesz #Hungary #opposition #PeterMagyar #RomaRights #trump #ViktorOrban #WomenInPolitics
@MBrandtner Ich frage mich noch viel mehr wie man diese Menschen noch erreichen kann. Ich will mir gar nicht vorstellen, wie man das Overtonfenster noch weiter nach Rechtsschieben kann. In meinen Augen reicht die Bezeichnung Rechtsruck lange nicht mehr und die Entwicklung hat die von 1938 lange überholt. In meinen Augen regiert die #fckAfD schon aus der #Opposition dadurch das sie den Rückhalt der eben genannten hat.
Sometime in the next few months voters in NY-21 will choose a replacement for Elise Stefanik
Our candidate is awesome New York dairy farmer Democrat Blake Gendebien
Please help him win this seat any way you can. Mike Johnson's fascist majority is razor thin. This matters.
NPArevolutionnaires « Ben Barka, la disparition » : une BD sur l’enlèvement de l’opposant marocain: Les éditions de Futuropolis viennent de publier une bande dessinée écrite par le journaliste David Servenay et illustrée par Jacques Raynal. Elle revient sur l’enlèvement à Paris, puis l’assassinat, de Mehydi Ben Barka, à l’époque principal opposant au roi du Maroc Hassan II. Arrêté le 29 octobre… https://npa-revolutionnaires.org/ben-barka-la-disparition-une-bd-sur-lenlevement-de-lopposant-marocain/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
NPA-R #BenBarka #BD #HistoireMarocaine #LibertéDexpression #Opposition
Grüne zwischen Empörung und Verantwortung beim Finanzpaket
Die Grünen müssen sich in ihrer neuen Rolle einrichten. Habeck und Baerbock ziehen sich zurück. Beim Finanzpaket sind sie das Zünglein an der Waage. Staatsmännische Verantwortung oder Opposition pur: Wie entscheiden sie sich? Von Sarah Beham.
Turmoil Strikes Serbia’s Parliament – Transitions https://www.byteseu.com/804388/ #opposition #Parliament #protest #Serbia #SerbianProgressiveParty #SNS #Vucic
Elon Musk, Apartheid, & America’s New #Boycott Movement
If you think mass #protests can’t combat evil, remember what we did in the 1980s.
"But #opposition movements always seem hopeless until they’re not. #Apartheid... came crashing down... We didn’t know that its heirs would be wreaking havoc on this country 4 decades later, but...
The #SouthAfrica apartheid regime was defeated. Maybe one South African #oligarch can be too"
NPArevolutionnaires Tunisie : procès à grand spectacle de dizaines d’opposants: Le procès d’une quarantaine d’opposants au président Kaïs Saïed, accusés de « complot contre la sûreté de l’État » et de liens avec des groupes terroristes, s’est ouvert à Tunis. Au banc des accusés, pêle-mêle, des militants politiques, des avocats, des hommes d’affaires, des militants des droits civiques, des… https://npa-revolutionnaires.org/tunisie-proces-a-grand-spectacle-de-dizaines-dopposants/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
NPA-R #Tunisie #Justice #DroitsHumains #Opposition #LibertéDexpression
Tunesien: Prozess gegen Regierungskritiker begonnen
In Tunesien müssen sich von heute an Oppositionelle vor Gericht verantworten - wegen angeblicher Umsturzpläne. Für Beobachter ist klar: Es ist ein weiterer Beweis für die autokratische Politik des Präsidenten. Von Anne Baier und Kai Küstner.
Sneak peak at the cover of an upcoming issue of my satirical zine, Shut Yer Pie Hole. #democrats #opposition #resistance #satire #uspolitics
"This week we debuted a section dedicated to ongoing coverage of the #Democracy Movement. There is a new energy on the streets, in the #courts, & in the #TownHalls of our nation. Millions of #Americans are taking it upon themselves to deliver acts of #opposition of every kind, and this week we will surely see public objections to the Oval Outrage against #Ukraine in the mix...
tell us about your own contributions"
I take issue with most of what the #ABC pushes out these days. I can’t help it. Everytime I read a piece, hear a reportage, in every single instance I pick up a reluctance to pat the Labor govt on the back for the things they get right. It’s not exactly an all out offensive, but I get the feeling #OurABC is not impartial to this country’s political machinations and tend to put the #Opposition in a good light when compared to their somewhat dimmer look at #Labor.
Here is an example:
“Some households shouldered a huge amount of the burden of the national fight against inflation and their contribution can be counted in real dollars that were taken away from them by higher interest rates (monetary policy) and higher taxation (fiscal policy). To see the politicians taking "credit" for that financial impost would be infuriating.
There's also the matter of the significant deterioration in the real value of people's wages. By the time the Albanese government came to power in May 2022, the impact of high inflation meant our wages were already buying less than they could buy in 2014. The RBA says that problem could take years to fix.” Source https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-03-02/why-isnt-the-government-boasting-inflation-saul-eslake/104993774
“Higher taxation”, excuse me? Where did the reporter pull that one from? #Coalition talking point? #BlunderingAngus speaking notes? Cherry picking for the rotten fruit amongst a bountiful harvest?
As for wages, why is it that the fact these have started to move up for the first time in more than a decade? 15% increases in some well deserving cases. No, of course not. Let’s pick on the fact that purchasing power is still well below inflation…mmmmm, I wonder why that is. [sarc]
Ich wähle #DieLinke, weil es mir wichtig ist, dass im #Bundestag eine ECHTE linke #Opposition aktiv sein kann!
Even Ukraine's opposition leaders, Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, publicly opposed any enforced elections in wartime.
They know there's a broad public consensus about the fact that elections amid Russian occupation, large-scale hostilities, daily missile attacks, and millions of refugees abroad, in the military, and under Russian occupation are nothing but a bad joke.
#Poutine #Putin , qui empêche des élections libres en #Russie, et où :
* les #partis d' #opposition sont #interdits et
* les #leaders d' #opposition sont #engoulagués sans visites, ni assistance sanitaire ,
* les #leaders d' #opposition sont sont poussés a faire du #balconing #sans #piscine , ou forcés de faire des #sauts en #parachute , en chute libre , sans parachute
* ou #Novitchokés , c'est gratuit , c'est cadeau