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Does anyone have a good example of an ad, webpage, video or other marketing material that does a good job of both *educating* and selling? Ideally about a technical thing?

That’s generally what every pitch I send needs to do, and I’m having a hard time educating briefly enough that it "clicks” for people.

I'm a #freelance web developer mostly pitching static websites over WordPress / Squarespace.

I'm reading a manga that has been scanlated in Spanish
While I try to read it, I translate the most difficult sentences with deepl.

I wonder if there's a comic reader that would allow me to add notes with my translations, such that if I hover the mouse where there's a note I could see the text I left there.

I know that pdf readers can do that but I want to do this with cbz files.

Any help / suggestions please?

It would be fun to have an AI to talk to. But I don't want the AI to connect to any third-party, and I want the AI to be completely blank so it can learn from what I give the AI.

Anyone here who knows if there's any FOSS projects that offers this type of AI? Preferably installed with Docker.

Frage an das Fediverse: Ich habe im Firefox animierte GIFs, die etwas länger dauern. Ab und an hätte ich gerne die Möglichkeit, bei solchen animierten GIFs auf "Pause" zu gehen. Am liebsten wäre mir diese Möglichkeit beim Anzeigen des GIFs im Firefox, wenn es da nicht möglich ist, gerne auch ein anderes Tool.
Gibt es da eine Möglichkeit?
#FragDasFediverse #AskFediverse @askfedi_de

Is there a good reference of #activitypub scaling with more users/clients, servers, content exchange, network topology etc. What happens when everything and everywhere is connected?

Looking for a more or less rigorous *model* to compare and contrast with e.g., how #atproto and #p2p protocols scale (at least in theory) and put some mathematical meat behind the recent "message passing" vs "shared heap" discussions.

Have been looking for this with little success so time to #askfedi #askfediverse

Due to print cost along with paying for ad space across different spaces, 'Take Back Your Social Life: A Fediverse Guide' will need money to back it up.

Maybe some of that money could be from Kickstarter? What do people think about this? Maybe if we have any money left over it gets put into things like Translations into different languages? Would anyone be actually interested in this?

#Fediverse #FediverseBook #FediverseInformation #Kickstarter #KickstarterBook #Funding #Money #FediBook #AskFediverse

Hallo liebe Fediverse, ich brauche mal die komplette Fedipower. Meine Frau und ich wollen spontan Ende März für ein Wochenende in das Allgäu fahren. Kein bestimmter Ort, einfach nur Natur, Berge, Seen und so etwas.
Dazu suchen wir ein schönes, ruhiges Hotel oder Pension mit Frühstück in einer günstigeren Preisklasse. Hat die Fediverse hier zufällig (Geheim)Tipps an der Hand?
Gerne darf diese Frage geteilt werden. 😉

#FragDasFediverse #AskFediverse @askfedi_de

It would be nice to manipulate my voice when I talk in my vlogs (read: cycling adventures), where I bring up memories, what I was thinking about during the bike ride, the history of the places, and more. Will do this after the cycling adventures.

But I don't know how to make my voice darker or lighter. I also want to put in some robot-like filter that makes it harder for the AI to clone my voice.

Anyone here know how? Do not want to use AI for this. Also don't want to use any software that costs money and/or has its source code closed. And anything from Big Tech is directly ignored!