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Castle of the Teutonic Order, Malbork, Poland

In what areas is the castle in Malbork record-breaking?

1) The largest brick castle in the world - a fortress so fortified that it was never conquered militarily, the inhabitants could survive 3 years without any supplies, and the monastery part was accessed by 4 bridges thrown over the water.

2) The largest kitchen hood in the world - the most exquisite food of the Middle Ages came out of the kitchen, this was confirmed by important heads of Europe at that time, it was also tasted by King Casimir the Great.

3) The largest sculpture of medieval Europe - the Malbork Madonna is over 8 meters high, it was recreated by modern conservators, covered with a mosaic containing real gold. It can be seen on the castle walls of the chapel, from under the ticket office building. Interestingly, the glass cubes were brought from Venice, and the gold elements from Gdańsk.

4) The largest number of latrines in a stronghold in the Middle Ages - even cooks had their own toilet, and cabbage leaves were often used as toilet paper, which also had medicinal properties, e.g. anti-inflammatory.

5) The largest number of wells in a castle in the Middle Ages. Interestingly, the fortress also had access to running water.

6) The oldest underfloor heating in these lands - large stones in the basement were heated in fireplaces and acted as storage furnaces. The heat escaped into the rooms through special holes in the floors.

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Castle of the Teutonic Order, Malbork, Poland

The building has an impressive volume of 250 thousand cubic meters, 30 million bricks were used to complete the entire complex, of which 4.5 million are in the high castle. This makes it the largest brick structure in the world.

#malbork #zamek #castle #polska #poland #historia #history #architecture #architektura #gothicarchitecture #widok #landscape #krajobraz #krzyzacy #zakon #teutonicorder #teutonicknights #knights #rycerze #walls #wall #mury #mur #defensivetower #defensivewall #defensivewalls

Today went to #malbork. I visited the #castle of Malbork which is the largest castle in the world measured by land area. It was originally constructed by the #teutonic #knights. I am very happy that I could finally visit it. I love #medieval #fantasy and I find #polish #history very #interesting and I love to learn about it. The place Is enormous, I have a guide and the #sightseeing took 4h. It was a fantastic #experience.